What Does A Possum Look Like: How To Identify A Baby Possum

Robyna Butera
4 min readNov 16, 2022


Possums are some of the most adorable animals around. They have a large toothless mouth and short legs, which makes them look like a cross between a raccoon and a baby squirrel. However, if you are not sure what a possum looks like, it is important to know What Does A Possum Look Like: How To Identify A Baby Possum so that you can get rid of them before they start causing damage to your home or yard.

How to Identify a Baby Possum

If you’re looking for a baby possum, here are some things to keep in mind when you go on What Does A Possum Look Like: How To Identify A Baby Possum.

  • Possums are marsupials, which means that they have an undeveloped placenta and give birth to their young after a short gestation period. They lack nipples and instead use an egg case (known as a joey) that attaches to the wall of their mother’s pouch with suction and then slowly breaks through.
  • Once born, joeys will stay in this protective environment until they’re ready to leave on their own — usually around five weeks old or so. This can be tricky if you live in a rural area where there isn’t much light pollution around at night; however, many people keep baby possums as pets since they make great companions.

What Does a Possum Look Like?

Possums are nocturnal and omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and meat. Possums are not rodents or squirrels, they’re actually more closely related to opossums and kangaroos.

Possums have long snouts with small teeth at the front of their mouths (like rabbits). Their eyes are set close together on top of their heads and they have short ears that point straight up when they’re resting or sleeping. Their tails are thin but very furry due to all of the sweat glands in them; this helps give them warmth during cold weather months so that you won’t see any naked skin underneath.


The colour of a possum’s fur can be grey, black or brown, people usually get professional help for complete Possum Extermination. Some possums are white on their stomachs and have a white stripe down the back.

Legs, Ears, and Tail

To identify a possum, look for the following:

  • A long, pointed snout. Possums have very large ears and a long, bushy tail that can be up to 4 inches (10 cm) long. The tail is covered in fur except for one end — the tip is covered with scales or hairs called tubercles.
  • Five toes on each foot. On their hind legs, possums have four toes (which are clawed) and on their front feet, they only have three toes (which aren’t clawed). If you find them, call the Possum Control Company. Experts can also offer you the Possum Inspection Service if you are unable to find them.

Handy Identification Tips

If you see a baby possum, there’s a good chance that it’s young and hasn’t yet started to develop its own unique markings. To proceed with the process of What Does A Possum Look Like: How To Identify A Baby Possum, you’ll want to keep an eye out for these signs:

  • The pouch will be visible on the back of your possum. If you can’t see it at first glance, try checking again later in the day when your critter is more active.
  • Its tail should be curled up over its backside — and if it’s not curled up properly then there could be serious damage done by predators such as weasels or hawks.
  • Its ears should be slightly pointed at the top/front part of their heads; this helps them listen better while moving around in trees (they’re also designed like this so it can hear falling leaves fall down below).

Get Rid Of Possums For Many Reasons.

If you see possums around your home, it is smart to get rid of them for many reasons on What To Do When Possums Are Around.

  • Possums can carry bacteria and parasites, which can cause damage to your home.
  • They also spread diseases, including toxoplasmosis (a parasite that affects cats), lice (fleas), mites and ticks.
  • Additionally, they may destroy your garden or yard when they dig up plants and trees; this makes the area unattractive for potential buyers who want to buy the property.
  • Finally, if possums are around when people are outside playing sports or walking dogs on leashes near where the animal was last seen then there’s a chance that person could fall victim themselves.


Possums are very cute and fun to watch, but they can be dangerous. If you see one in your home, it is best to get rid of the possum for many reasons. A possum may look harmless at first glance, but they are actually very aggressive when protecting their territory from other animals or people. For professional help in Possum Removal Services in Brisbane, you can directly call our Possum Pest Controllers.



Robyna Butera
Robyna Butera

Written by Robyna Butera

My Name is a Robyna Butera. I’m a professional writer and blogger in Australia. I live in Melbourne.

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